i have to savor these pictures, because i think it is the most reverent i have ever seen kenyon. he really got into his halloween costume. for our ward halloween party, we went as a nun and a monk (with four kids). kenyon gave himself a mustache (does anyone like mustaches?....nasty) we were running a little late, and satch was taking his sweet time...kenyon started getting mad at him, telling him to hurry up, i about died laughing. he looked hilarious trying to be serious in his ridiculousness. we were a big hit with the sister missionaries...pictures all around. i told them they could tell their families they baptized us.
fantastic pictures!! love you guys
i think kenner should always sport a 'stache. c'mon tris you know you like it! you look fab.
"Hwhere did we put that wheelbarrow the albino had? "Over the albino, I think."
Ignacio were is eskelito. As Nacho would say, "they think that i dont know a butt load of crap about the gospel... but I Doooo" kenyons got my vote to keep the stash. Makes hiim look like chuck norris
Is there any doubt that you two are the greatest. (I hope no other neices and nephews are reading this.) I hope the kids were dressed like the orphans on Nacho! love to you all!
love it tris-
I'm happy to discover you have a blog. Now I demand updates. ;) Love ya, girl!
I think it's time for an update! You really do have a great eye for takign pictures!
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