Friday, February 8, 2008


mags said...

bloody hell

King Family said...

That's all you could think of? If my memory serves me right I remember you speaking with an british accent more than not when we were little.
Here's a good link...just a head's up, you might not want to teach your YW some of these :)

mags said...

I always wanted to say bloody hell. I was afraid of spankins when we were little. don't it just roll off the tongue?

Danielle said...

Hey Trisdan! Remember me? It's been so long. Your kids are freaking adorable and I want to see them in real life!
The only Brittish slang I could think of was "bloody hell" too. It's my favorite, but maybe not appropriate for Y.W.'s. Email me sometime or check out our blog at! We need to stay in better touch! :)

Emilee said...

Snogging was my VERY favorite word from Harry Potter. I'm always wanting to use it in a conversation, but a) the topic just doesn't come up as often as it should, and b)I can't remember it even when it does come up. However, I'm not sure it's YW appropriate.